For science

By Anonymous - 28/04/2009 11:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I was eating cereal and decided to warm it up to see what it tasted like. So, using a candle in the room I placed my spoon over the flame and waited to see if it heated up. Pleased with my silly experiment, I put the spoon back in my mouth. I now can't talk because of my swollen tongue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 755
You deserved it 250 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What are you, an idiot? Why wouldnt you use a microwave? I use it all the time with my cereal, its too cold sometimes and hurts my teeth. 10 seconds in the nuker is usually enough.


... Was putting the cereal in the microwave too obvious?

i thought it was going to end with your parents walking in on you or something

smarty_fml 0

this isn't even worthy of FML...and if you are that stupid YDI.

TJStarzZ 8

I think it's a great idea to stick hot metal in your mouth...but I Feel worse for that spoon... "Today, this jackass woke up, placed me over a candle, into a bowl of milk, began to insert me in his mouth, then spat me out. IT still burns. FML" ...That's just...weird.

why don't you stick the spoon in the microwave while you're at in. then maybe your head in the oven etc etc.

judgement FAAAAIIIIIIL!!! and as kirby would say... "Time to NUKE THIS SUCKER!!" *throws hot dogs in nuker and stabs it with a metal knife*

rockinout 0

are you blonde? it sounds like you are

Wow, who would have thought that a METAL spoon would get hot when it's held over a flame. Were you dropped on your head as a baby...multiple times?