One night

By Anonymous - 25/01/2020 01:00 - Sweden - ?ngelholm

Today, I woke up from putting my child to bed. Drowsy, I stumbled down to the kitchen to make a mug cookie. I read a recipe on my phone, and put a knob of butter in a cup to melt in the microwave. I put my phone in the microwave and turned it on for 30 seconds, and didn't realize until I smelt burning plastic.. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 823
You deserved it 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that’s one way to charge your phone.

Mungolikecandy 19

I would imagine the sparks and loud crackling from the reaction to the metal parts would have been the first sign.


And that's when you decide to go to an AA meeting.

Well that’s one way to charge your phone.

Mungolikecandy 19

I would imagine the sparks and loud crackling from the reaction to the metal parts would have been the first sign.

J15237 25

um tired or not how did you **** this up?