For science

By Anonymous - 28/04/2009 11:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I was eating cereal and decided to warm it up to see what it tasted like. So, using a candle in the room I placed my spoon over the flame and waited to see if it heated up. Pleased with my silly experiment, I put the spoon back in my mouth. I now can't talk because of my swollen tongue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 755
You deserved it 250 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What are you, an idiot? Why wouldnt you use a microwave? I use it all the time with my cereal, its too cold sometimes and hurts my teeth. 10 seconds in the nuker is usually enough.


So when you put things over fires, they get hot...? Weird concept.

icedrake523 2

Hahaha! The sad thing is, I probably would do something like this because I was bored. I would put the cereal over a candle flame (I am one of the apparent few people who still love to use candles) and watch it cook. I wouldn't eat it because the smoke that candles give off... No thanks. You kind of deserve it for doing that and then eating it though. Haaaaah.

Synthetic 0

this is the most retarded FML I've ever heard. congratulations.

ftsk_fan_12 0

you were either high or a dumbass with way too much free time.

you know, that's kind of like frying something, and then licking the bottom of the pan.

this isn't so much an FML as a darwin award. idiot.