For science

By Anonymous - 28/04/2009 11:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I was eating cereal and decided to warm it up to see what it tasted like. So, using a candle in the room I placed my spoon over the flame and waited to see if it heated up. Pleased with my silly experiment, I put the spoon back in my mouth. I now can't talk because of my swollen tongue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 755
You deserved it 250 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What are you, an idiot? Why wouldnt you use a microwave? I use it all the time with my cereal, its too cold sometimes and hurts my teeth. 10 seconds in the nuker is usually enough.


Slushie09 0

Stupidity hurts children, just remember that

alex_vik 0

doing things like that without fully thinking them through is my specialty. it makes for a funny story, as long as you don't mind people laughing at you and not with you ..

@ #47 & #49: have you ever heard of english as a second language? #57 LOL

Loe_307 0

Ah yes, nothing like a nice spoonful of heroin for breakfast.