Flashback to 2010

By Anonymous - 24/02/2010 03:41 - United States

Today, I was chatting with a cute guy on Omegle. He seemed really friendly and interested after I had showed him a picture of me. When I mentioned that I play music, he seemed even more interested, so I gave him the link to my music Myspace. I waited patiently. He disconnected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 611
You deserved it 26 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People still use myspace? Omegle? am I missing something here.....

ur showing ur picture to all of us strangers right now...


but that doesn't mean you should make it any easier.

Ugh snickerdoodles fails, oh so badly and obviously know nothing about computers.

Pearljammer001 0

@57, snickerdoodles, for once I have to agree with you, but you still need to quit relentlessly correcting everyone for even the most minor infraction! but yeah nobody needs to call out someone for their age, I'm 15 and I am soo sick of people assuming I am an ignorant dumbass based soley on my age...

Depending on the type of camera the picture was taken with, it exif data will also show the coordinates of the location where the picture was taken. Ours always seems to be a few blocks off, but it's certainly close enough.

for a little girl she sure inspires a lot of hatred

lickmyjock 0
Hanban 0

So strong you have turned my milk into butter. Not MY milk.

lickmyjock 0

mmm butter goes well with everything! including snickerdoodles!

Pearljammer001 0

we all hate how the only thing you do on fml is correct people over stupid stuff, so go home and try again.

Pearljammer001 0

err my comment was for snick, but it appears that the website rejects my reality and substitutes it's own.