Everyone's a critic

By not_dead_yet - 28/06/2009 07:54 - United States

Today, it was my first big time art show. To celebrate I went out to lunch with some people whose work was also there. When we got back, police were everywhere. Someone had broken in and stolen all of the art. All except mine. Even burglars don't want my art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 777
You deserved it 5 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mister_moops 0

"today, my stuff wasn't stolen. FML"

Seriously? You're lucky your hard work didn't get stolen so quit whining. For all you know, the burglars didn't take your art because by the time they reached yours, the alarm went off and they had to make a run for it, not because your art wasn't good.


RNCftw 0

at least it's still there. i'm guessing your future in art is more promising than it would be in literature or writing anyway.

ziqi92 0

well that seriously burns XD

prsbebe08 0

so you're sad that your artwork wasn't stolen. freaking drama queen.

I would be happy that they didn't take it.

either they didn't have enugh room or u suck at painting

1nicent1 0

Hah!!! This one made me laugh

Common_Sense 0

What the hell? Why are you complaining? You got into a big art show and it wasn't stolen. That's pretty much the complete opposite of 'your life is ******'..

linguano 0

Who know maybe they thought it was to good to steal and I appreciate art and I know that to get into a big art show ur work has to be very good

This is bull we would hve herd about it on the news :P

jnic 0

Not every gallery is the Metropolitan, hahah don't be an idiot. There are thousands of small, private galleries out there that most people don't even know exist. Besides, how many living artists are so famous that they end up on mainstream news? Ever heard of an open studio?

yumo 0

aw, sorry hun. what museum was this? i live in hawaii too