
By Anonymous - 04/12/2011 07:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was disgusted because I dropped a Skittle on the floor and ate it. He thought peeing on me in the shower was just fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 214
You deserved it 6 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's obviously never heard of the 3 second rule.

So if you drop a skittle on the ground, and I manage to shit on it and pee on it in under 3 seconds, would you still eat it?


why are you in the shower? spray some perfume and get in the kitchen!

Sounds to me you guys are a perfect match .

robokid777 4

Since no one's mentioned this yet I will - urine is sterile

I hope you were being sarcastic. There were at least 20 comments saying the same thing before you posted.

Iamkeaten 0

Everyone knows its impossible to e dirty in a shower. It's like aqua god mode

Fruitmonster2 15

He has every right to say that. Why? because as someone else stated, urine is sterile (besides its JUST liquid toxins that your body doesn't need), therefore he has every right to think that eating a skittle off of the ground to be filthy.

Um, sure, but would you like to drink pee? Would you do it voluntarily? No? Didn't think so.

Ughh peen on sum one daz nasty Lol really nasty lol wats his name R.KELLY