Drunk twats in the toilet alert

By PublicToiletEspionage - 21/05/2009 10:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I was desperate for a pee so I used some public toilets which were full of obviously underage girls drinking. I didn't think anything of it until halfway through my business when I looked up to see two of them leaning over the top of the stall taking pictures with a mobile phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 747
You deserved it 4 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtf? why would they take pictures of you peeing? drinking in a public restroom and taking pictures of strangers peeing. those kids are cool, man.

Sounds a lot like what happened on the awesome tv show 'The Inbetweeners'


#45, I'm from the South, I wouldn't call the accent sexy by any stretch of the imagination. although it does depend on HOW far south you are.

kcslgvr 11

at least you will never see those losers again...unless you want to get your gas pumped or something... #12 is stupid btw. just wanted to put that out there.

that's just horrible. you should've taken a picture of them and then reported them.. if that doesn't work, you could've just taken their damn cell phones and flush it down the toilet.. teach those ******* a lesson.

ew i hate under aged kids drinking in public : you shoulda taken a shit and threw it at em

erm #45, I'm from London and I don't talk like that and a lot of the people don't have cockney accents. and I don't know much about the south so I can't say anything so stick to what you know eh? Cause you only have a stereotypical view.

shudder_glasses 0

y'all are gay she shouldnt report them most teenage girls drink and do stupid crap this isnt even that bad just yell at them and leave the bathroom they would delete the pictures when they are sober

twirling_fml 0

Damn, that sucks. I would have bitched at them a bit (not over-the-top; they're obviously naive kids and perhaps drunk, to boot) and demanded they either let me delete the photos or delete them in front of me. Stand up straight and be firm. Don't let a bunch of kids get away with shit like that. Or, at the very least, quickly find a police officer and report them. I don't care about underage drinking, their decision, but if some kid pulled crap like that on me, I'm not going to let them get away with nothing. :(