By liver - 19/03/2012 00:51 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, since I'm too broke to get a new one, I had to duct tape my bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 879
You deserved it 3 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't really need a Victoria's Secret bra as a replacement do ya? Either shell out 5 dollars for a crappy Walmart one or freeboob it instead :D

LoveMay 10


OP never stated she had an iPhone. Ya know plenty of people don't have iPhones. Shocking, huh?

I already have hard time getting those things off, now you are putting duct tape on it. :(

sendboot2 4

When you live out of a box then what you wear what you got, I guess.

You know what they say duct it then f&@k it


Im so sorry but as a girl im hoping that, that wasnt ur only pair unless u are rock bottom broke which again im sorry

I feel for you op. bras are a necessary evil. I hope you can get a new bra soon. I can't imagine duct tape is particularly comfortable.

You're "poor" enough where you need to use duct tape for your bra, but you can still afford to pay the internet bill every month? Seems someone priorities need to be set straight.

countrygirl626 16

Because there aren't places, such as coffee shops or wherever, that have free wifi.