By liver - 19/03/2012 00:51 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, since I'm too broke to get a new one, I had to duct tape my bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 879
You deserved it 3 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't really need a Victoria's Secret bra as a replacement do ya? Either shell out 5 dollars for a crappy Walmart one or freeboob it instead :D

LoveMay 10


slieb845 0

if you can't duct it, **** it...

tklone329 0
lilcatisawesome 7

I would do that! But only with a pretty color of duct tape!!!!

desidude 0

I dont buy this .... That you dont have money to buy $5 BRA! I hope ur thong is holding up well ;)

cwbsmoker 5

You only have one bra?!?! I mean I understand your broke. But you have never bought more then one bra.. ever? No wonder it broke.

You only have one bra? Bet you have 20 shoes lol. Ah sod it just go braless, you might find it freeing ;)

I'd love to see your workaround for the morning after pill, 'cause that's about the same price as a bra.