By liver - 19/03/2012 00:51 - United States - Santa Cruz

Today, since I'm too broke to get a new one, I had to duct tape my bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 879
You deserved it 3 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't really need a Victoria's Secret bra as a replacement do ya? Either shell out 5 dollars for a crappy Walmart one or freeboob it instead :D

LoveMay 10


Find a recently pregnant woman. I think I changed cup sizes at least 4 times during and after my pregnancy. We're bound to have something that'll fit that only was worn for a month or two.

I'd feel much happier as well if girls didn't wear them,47.

Go buy a $5 from a cheap shop. It may not last long but it does the job!

perdix 29

The Itty Bitty Titty Committee is holding a Schadenfreude dance tonight to celebrate the big-titted OP's poverty.

That stinks OP, but I think you should like those beautiful sweater yams breath free. Go into an air-conditioned store and let your high beams come on for all the men to ogle! Nothing like a woman without a bra and the erasers poking out to bring a tear of joy to one's eye......

* let* -- there, I grammer Nazi'ed myself...