Dishwasher issues

By 3Airwalk3 - 16/02/2010 05:23 - Canada

Today, I was washing a stainless steel pot at my kitchen job. Every time I pulled it out of the dishwasher and examined it for dirt, I saw something orange inside it. After 3 run-throughs, I realized it was just my shirt's reflection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 992
You deserved it 36 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Okay, I know everyone is talking shit, but I can totally understand how this happened. When I do dishes at home, I have to zone out and think of something else so I dont die of boredom. Maybe you had zoned out and had a hard time figuring out a common sense problem because of it. Been there, done that. :-)

Jesta05 0

YDI for wearing an orange shirt


At least the pot is now extra-cleaan. ヽ(´∇`)ノ BTW, what's a "shirts reflection"? =p

texas_justice 0

...I'm guessing your promotion to senior pot scrubber is being reconsidered...

Not a FML, and actually I applaud you for taking public health so seriously.

You didn't know this how? Good job, smart one. You should have at least seen it was your shirt after the second run through.

whiskers946 2
autodude_fml_fml 0

this isn't something bad that happened to you. you did just prove to everyone that your a dumb ass