Dirty talk

By Anonymous - 14/03/2010 07:54 - United States

Today, I was in bed with my boyfriend, in the middle of foreplay, and somehow out of my mouth came, "I want to be inside you." I'm a woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 803
You deserved it 10 200

Same thing different taste


I get so turned on when a guy says that to me, that I think she most likely just verbalised what she was imagining him saying

Agreed! Still, would like to know what his answer was!

LOL! She wishes she had a penis to **** her boyfriend because he's JUST that sexy?!?

oh god! I've said that exact same thing! I'm a girl too!!!

ckrebbs 0

Haha, I say that too, but to be funny :]

This made me LOL. because sadly, My boyfriend says this all the time. "I want you inside of me." I still yet to know if he's joking or not...

Sprocket 5

Uh, no they should NOT die. Go get educated, you sexist and apparently transphobic person. You will be happier when other people's inate traits don't bother you so much.