Diets suck

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Manhattan

Today, it's the fourth day of my new diet. I told my friends and family to watch me every time I eat to make sure it's healthy. I got so desperate that I hid some chocolates in my pocket then scarfed them down while pooping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 186
You deserved it 50 335

Top comments

jonnied23 20

Don't do something if you're not dedicated to it


Starting a diet right before Halloween is just a recipe for failure. Although I suppose it could be worse; imagine if you'd started it right before Thanksgiving.

bludanzr 2

been there, done that. well.... not while pooping but hiding in the bathroom. u can't go cold turkey, its doesn't work. if u want chocolate eat a small fun size, no big deal. its impossible to never eat that stuff again. hang in there OP! u can do it!

Beepbeep7 14

Damn 19 you're all about bitching huh? You should go wipe your ass and relax.

perdix 29

Quit your diet now and come back when you are really dedicated. No one is going to support you if you secretly sabotage your own diet.

Be very careful, OP. Don't be too hard on yourself. If your diet is too strict, you'll fail. You have to allow yourself some treats. And no, your diet for the day is not ruined if you eat some chocolate. If it can make yourself feel better, just go for a jog to balance it out, but don't use drastic measures to lose weight, or you'll end up gaining it back. Eating should make you happy. It is a pleasure after all. You can eat a bit of everything, just as long as you don't fall in the excess. I used to be anorexic and I didn't allow myself anything. I got so strict on myself, that my body ended up craving for food and I became bullimic. It's really not worth it.

TrinityNevada 11

It's easier to make lifestyle changes a little at a time. for example, you could start off gettind "addicted" to water and make it a piont to walk instead of drive whenever possible. Once you're used to that for a week, then you can maybe replace candy and chocolates with fruit and make it a piont to go jogging, even if it's walking speed and it takes you 10 minutes to jog a mile. You can do it!

Please don't ever diet...make small changes you can maintain for life, not for a few weeks or months. If you have to ask friends and family to watch you every time you eat, you're trying to change too much all at once. Although being accountable is admiral, if you don't have the internal motivation to do it for yourself, you'll "fail" at dieting every time. Good luck, op. Treat yourself kindly.