Diets suck

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Manhattan

Today, it's the fourth day of my new diet. I told my friends and family to watch me every time I eat to make sure it's healthy. I got so desperate that I hid some chocolates in my pocket then scarfed them down while pooping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 186
You deserved it 50 335

Top comments

jonnied23 20

Don't do something if you're not dedicated to it


"That ain't chocolate, that's doo-doo, baby!"

If you're not willing to give up completely your old eating habits, you're going to gain it again after the diet. Instead, don't deprive yourself from stuff you like, and eat them moderately.

Diets never work. & it's okay to indulge. Just make sure you add vegetables & fruits in your everyday routine.

If you ever get deathly sick.... I hope it comes to you as no surprise. That's just disgusting and sad. I have no more to say to you. Ick.

If you can't even stick with a diet for 4 days, you're probably making it too strict, of have too little willpower. While people are correct in that if you try to deprive yourself too much in a diet you're likely to rebound at some point, there are plenty of changes you can make that don't inhibit your taste buds too much, but will really help drop the pounds. If you have too little willpower though, you need to try harder. Remember, doing something consistently for 3 weeks is usually enough to make it a habit.

"I asked my family to do me a favour that will be extremely helpful in my quest to be a healthier person. Now they are doing as I asked. Wahhhh" ******* ********.

You eat while you poop? Thats plain disgusting!

As long as sweets are in moderation you should be fine.

It doesn't matter what others see you do. What matters is what you do when no one is watching. If you don't wanna diet, then don't. Don't act like a child about it.