Diets suck

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Manhattan

Today, it's the fourth day of my new diet. I told my friends and family to watch me every time I eat to make sure it's healthy. I got so desperate that I hid some chocolates in my pocket then scarfed them down while pooping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 186
You deserved it 50 335

Top comments

jonnied23 20

Don't do something if you're not dedicated to it


Then why are you having your parents waste their time?

Wizzlbang 10

Just imagine if someone had walked in on you doing that, OP

There are things like weight watchers candy and dum dums aren't bad calorie wise. Try those as an alternative to the really unhealthy chocolates.

seven minute workout + 5:2 diet. Perfect for lazy people who like to eat out. It works!!!

Idk what to pick so I'm just going to ignore that fml

Sounds like you set yourself up for failure from the start

You shouldn't be afraid of what your friends and family will say when you eat something. Next time, ask them to support you, not drive you to the point where you eat chocolate from your pockets when you take a shit.

It's cheesy and cliche but don't think of it as a diet think of it as you're simply trying to live a better life. It will help