
By Spooked - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that the demonic voice that made me nearly piss myself last night was my sister's Furby that she'd stuck in the closet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 934
You deserved it 7 266

Top comments

sara8866 8

Hahahahaha I did this to my parents but in their car they didn't find it for weeks!!!!

if she did that on purpose, your sister is awesome


MyApocalypse 1

#79: It said your name?! O__O

ahahaha I just about pissed myself when I read this.

OMFG I literally cried from laughing so hard at the FML and the comments! LOL I had a Furby and it scared me at night :O

ashleykay94 7

I like furbies when there not saying words no 1 around says to it and turns its self on.

all4pooh 4
skyeyez9 24

My friend bought me a furby as a b day gift. She set it on my desk at work while I was out most of the day for meetings as a suprise. I learned it nearly drove all my coworkers nuts listening to it sing, coo and babble all day.

kaylala33 1

Lmao those things are creepy

Oh shit, I had one of those things. I'm pretty sure it was demon possessed. Fun for like 5 minutes, then creepy as hell. And then for the longest time it wouldn't wake up even when we changed the batteries and it just sat in the kitchen. Then it started talking by itself at random moments, so I took the batteries out and hid it in the basement.