
By Spooked - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that the demonic voice that made me nearly piss myself last night was my sister's Furby that she'd stuck in the closet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 934
You deserved it 7 266

Top comments

sara8866 8

Hahahahaha I did this to my parents but in their car they didn't find it for weeks!!!!

if she did that on purpose, your sister is awesome


LaneyyLOVE 0

lmao , this is halarious. Those things are f***ing creeeeepy!

brittann2011 0

I had a furbie when I was a kid my brother ende up smashing it with a baseball bat lol they are crreeeeeepppppyyyyyyyy no doubt

onlygoddess14 7

ugh the furby really did freak me out sometimes too

ninja_ness 3

I know! I had one when I was 6 and I ended up tossing it out a window and it wouldn't die!

inevality 12

This makes me miss the Furby my grandma bought for me. It turned on randomly in the middle of the night and started singing. .-. Then it would ask me - no, make that demand - to tell it a story repeatedly. I got fed up with it, so I threw it out, but I could still hear it in the trash can. XD

musicismylife21 5

hahaha that's not creepy at all :)

inevality 12

I could have sworn the singing sounded like some sort of voo-doo curse. ;-;

Hidan_fml 0

When I read this, I was instantly reminded of the Furby in that Smosh video. :D

the same thing happened to me when I was 7! I slept over a friend's house and all night her Furby was sitting on her shelf, staring at me with those chilling black eyes, saying it wanted to be my friend... it tried to steal my soul!