
By Spooked - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that the demonic voice that made me nearly piss myself last night was my sister's Furby that she'd stuck in the closet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 934
You deserved it 7 266

Top comments

sara8866 8

Hahahahaha I did this to my parents but in their car they didn't find it for weeks!!!!

if she did that on purpose, your sister is awesome


AllieTheAwesome 0

Wow those things scare you guys? I loved those things!! and id be pretty made if you took my batterys out and shoved me in a closet!! and ever here of internal power source? Im like 90% sure thats how they worked after you took the batterys out or it was your imagination

I haven't heard anyone having a Furby in years!!!

dude u look like fez from my all time fav show. that 70's show hahaha. u seriously look just like him. wow that is a freaky look a like.

xoxoMEGANxoxo 13

put the furby in the catches on fire Hahahaha, it works

I had one of those when I was little! it gave me nightmares so I drowned it.

Haleyz_a_BOSS 0

I'm sitting in quiet study hall trying not to burst out laughing. But seriously, that's not really an FML. It's just funny xD

This comments are fking hilarios im sitting in the midle of the classroom just laughing. I never had one but I meet my friend a sleepover her place was talking in the closet