
By Spooked - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I discovered that the demonic voice that made me nearly piss myself last night was my sister's Furby that she'd stuck in the closet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 934
You deserved it 7 266

Top comments

sara8866 8

Hahahahaha I did this to my parents but in their car they didn't find it for weeks!!!!

if she did that on purpose, your sister is awesome


I know just what u mean!! My furby used to talk to herself at night, so I took the batteries and put her on the top shelf in my closet... Woke up to her babbling in there, I was too scared to open the closet cause I knew is took out the batteries... So I slept in my parents bed that night.

MonsterInside 0

Haha definitly FYL. those things were always evil, I had three of them and when ones battery started going out the voice got deeper. I had to bury it in stuff so I didnt hear it. Especially in the deadness of night

okmankk 4

that's a sign of demonicness! use a blue flame to kill it after surprising it with a bath

GaBabayy92 0

lol wow how old are you? i threw a furby at the wall once.. not advised. they leave holes and then your mom screams at you

emodude44 0


TaTaTanyaHo 5

13 does your dog have one of those cone things on in your pic?

you can still buy them, lols used to have one when I was a kid, lol funniest shit ever!

tickle it untill it gets angry. so funny.

these things were way creepier than chuckie dolls

roydawgg 3

furbies??? did I go back in time to the nineties?? those were the best years of my life!!! yay!!!