Customers from hell

By midnightblade163 - 13/01/2016 12:06 - Australia - Caringbah

Today, at work a customer yelled at me, called me a 'fucking bitch', 'a fat whore', and, told me to lose weight because I wouldn't let her in the grocery store I work at to buy lettuce, after we'd closed. Lettuce for her lizard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 257
You deserved it 1 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Some people are just assholes. Customer service sucks!


YDI. If someone wants their lettuce, you better give them their ******* lettuce.

it's also worth mentioning that most lizards including the herbivores and omnivores can't eat lettuce... it's rather dangerous for them