
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got ice cream with a guy I'd met at a wrestling match a few days ago. When I got home, I found out that my mother had been sitting in the parking lot and watched us through the windows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 858
You deserved it 2 909

Top comments

doink 0

I can see how your life is ruined.

Wow....and I thought I couldn't get any privacy.


MermaidSongXOXO 6

She also snuck a microphone in your cleavage :] You are mommy's little stalkee.

Ajjas013 6

There's a boom mic in your guy's pants too. Yes... He's a tranny.

perdix 29

Is this in some sort of hipster code that I just don't "get?" Is "getting ice cream" after a "wrestling match" some sort of rough oral sex maneuver? Am I missing something? Somebody, please help this old dude! I'll be pissed if it's just two kids eating food!

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Nah. Just two people getting ice cream together :/ Exactly how it sounds. But, if you want to be creative about it.......

KurouTenshi 0

okay Perdix, we kids call "wrestling match" an NC-17 movie with pornography in it. and "eating ice cream" is a combination between ass-to-mouth and feeces. Obviously the mother saw this exchange and creamed her panties and the FML is the OP's mom gets off on her kids eating shit. I hope this helps clear things up for you buddy!!

sterl13 0

haha that was pretty damn funny

Ajjas013 6

@#40 That's like two girls one cup. But it has a lot more fail in it. Perdix, they are JUST eating ice cream. There's no creative or anything about it. I hope you're disappointed :)

sterl13 0

perdix enjoys sexual activity... trust me I know ;)

sterl13 0

perdix enjoys sexual activity... trust me I know ;)

Ajjas013 6

Thet took it out! Whatever lol as long as perdix is careful.

Aww, another fantasticly weird comment. Well done.

ajjas, sterl has a man-crush on perdix. I once saw him say that xD

Ajjas013 6

It's obvious by the way he comments...

allen20 0

They started a two page argument because of you on another fml!

I think you all are missing the point. If this is what the OP's mom does when she's just out on a casual sort of date, imagine how nosy and suspicious she'll be if the OP starts seriously dating someone. Maybe this girl did something in the past to lose her mom's trust, but otherwise it sounds like mommy dearest has some issues.

hope you guys weren't humping or nothing

cuz most people i know do that in a public ice cream parlor.. lol

davek 36

She spied on you going for ice cream? God only knows what she'll get up to when you're *******.

yeahreally 6

well next time she follows you use evasive driving maneuvers

buttshapedfruit 0

la la la.. my secret stalker!! la la la la! hahahaha