
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got ice cream with a guy I'd met at a wrestling match a few days ago. When I got home, I found out that my mother had been sitting in the parking lot and watched us through the windows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 858
You deserved it 2 909

Top comments

doink 0

I can see how your life is ruined.

Wow....and I thought I couldn't get any privacy.


The Bright Side: If everything went wrong and he tried to leave you there, your mom was already there to pick you up.

Hard to gauge this without knowing the OP's age. If she's 9-14, I'm *kinda* with the mother. If she's 15-17, then yeah... her dating/sex life is going to be like a spy movie with her mother as the main antagonist. Good luck. If you're 18+... time to move far, far away from the folks. Overall, FYL for moms being 'all up' in your business.

starlitgrl 0
bfffness 0

So... you're telling us that you had *ice cream* with a male, in public? *gasp* If you don't live in Saudi Arabia, and "ice cream" is not a euphemism, how is this a FML? And why is your mom angry? If you are over 12, your mother sounds insane. Are you not allowed to have male friends?

hank01 0

women arent allowed to wrestle, I am thoroughly confused. guys aren't incredibly smart, are you? Ever consider that maybe...JUST maybe..the OP is homosexual, and his mother didn't know? I mean, they were WRESTLING. They met during a MATCH. He is freaking out over her mom seeing them hang out in a certain way. Jeeze.

higglebiggle 0

=/ Reading comprehension? It's SO HARD isn't it? It clearly says OP is a WOMAN. =/ I've been to wrestling matches and I don't wrestle and I'm a chick. Maybe they just like to go watch wrestling, yeah? And the guy could have been one of the wrestlers friends or siblings, there to give support.

raven88123 5

THANK you! I thought that maybe my eyes were mistaken.... I am glad someone else saw that she is female :)