Creep in chief

By wow @ creepy fuckers - 17/11/2012 01:06 - United States

Today, yet again, my boss whined to me like a baby over being "friend-zoned" by his secretary. Not only does he basically stalk her and make her eat lunch with him every day, she's a lesbian in a committed relationship. He suspended me after I lost it and told him to see a fucking therapist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 153
You deserved it 6 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure that's sexual harassment and can be sued for that.


That sucks sorry OP that your boss is a creeper


All due respect, he's still your boss, op. Bad judgement call.

Lionesse 15

It's true, the the creep is your boss, but would you want to work under someone who sexually harasses people? Perhaps the OP could of handled the situation more tactically but to be honest, I don't blame them for blowing up. Creeps like the boss need to be dealt with accordingly

Umm no that's wrong and is considered a hostile work environment ...that boss can ****** for he's doing ...lesbian or not ...disrespecting a woman (or anyone for that matter) at there place of business is wrong

Report him to hr... You should've done that when you realized he was stalking her. I think ydi for that fact alone.

raycj 1

He needs a hobby, besides stalking!

xXxIracebethxXx 14

So as long as he finds a hobby, stalking is okay? Amazing logic.

Flora_fml 6

Ditto everyone who says to report this to HR. Not only is he sexually harassing your coworker, he disciplined you without a legitimate reason. If you've been documenting his behavior, I'd suggest you go talk to a free lawyers' clinic (if there is one in your area) for advice. This entire scenario is very wrong.

Not only is it sexually harassing a co-worker but it's also abusing power of position.

Capt_Oblivious 10

It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

pheebs314 17

its a line from silence of the lambs but it doesn't really work with this fml...

There's an FML further down where someone gets hit in the face with a hose so it could be that the comment was meant for that, although it is pretty far down so I'm not quite sure how commenting on the wrong FML in this case would have happened.

Lionesse 15

It's one thing for a creep to be your coworker but if it's you boss, then the situation can get out of hand really quick. To be safe, I'd file report. You never know what can happen. Creepers like him can always spin a story to make you look bad D:

perdix 29

You're a dumb ****! You should be sympathetic and give your boss dating advice. Give him more and more elaborate ways to make an ass of himself in front of her. Tell him to oil his chest and text her shirtless photos of himself. You can appear to be supporting your boss and have hilarious fun at the same time. This is how you have a great career.

perdix 29

Who's thumbing this down? If you are a student or are new to the working world, you should thumb comment #22 up and commit it to memory. This is good shit here!

Yea I don't know why you're thumbing perdix down.. He's offering a golden plan to get back at his boss for putting up with his endless stories of current endeavours of trying to get laid day after day.. You could try to Possibly get him fired and take his position :D

Maybe because you have not considered how this would affect the secretary! Women have to deal with enough of this shit as it is.

Maybe because not enough people understand how sarcasm works?

Or maybe because many people find joking about sexual abuse distasteful?

perdix 29

#58, CTFD, that's not sexual abuse, that's making a damn fool of yourself! Pictures of the boss's oily moobs? That's just funny and pathetic.

Well I thought it was funny. Besides if I had oily pics of my boss, well that would just be another thing to take to HR.

52- its sarcasm, besides if the secretary had any sense of humor she'd get a good laugh from it.

Perdix is right never lose it on your boss

olpally 32

He needs the therapist. You need ************ jones to kill this asshole. Lol. What a creep!

sounds like your boss needs to be reported. You probs shouldn't have lost it at him though but it's good you are sticking up for your co worker.

meridius4510 4