
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I was going on a dinner date with a girl I had just met. After I picked her up I asked her if she would like to get lobster. She looked at me and asked if those were the red ones. Confused I nodded. She replied, "Sorry, I don't eat red meat." I laughed. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 614
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'd say it's an fml because the dude apparently can't find any dates that are smarter than a box of rocks.


#77: Your amazingly articulate post was a delight to read. I am astonished by the amazing intelligence required to formulate those sentences. Clearly you must be a god among men.

and your repetitive diction makes me want to hurl. Using big words wont make up for your lack of variety if you want to sound intelligent, nor does your final fragment of a sentence, a semi-colon would have been the proper punctuation mark in said instance, not a period. FACE PWN! p.s. Im an 18 year old guy. Awesome use of stereotyping as a response to the anger you felt at the previous commenters who were bashing blondes; truly an "amazing" example of both your maturity level and true intelligence. Ouch. Im honestly glad I'm not you right now.

I don't get it... well I think I might get it but there's no way someone could be that...

oh my god! inwould keep her and just do so many things! she obviously isn't smart enough to think for herself (logically, at least).

skitzoyd 0

Hahaha she's a winner fer sher

but seafood is barely even meat! vegetarians will eat it!

My best friend is a vegetarian and she won't eat any animal, including seafood. I think you are thinking of pescatarians, who eat seafood but not mammals or birds.

Why would you buy a girl you just met lobster?

confusdsincbirth 5

52, sure, you are book smarts, but dumb blondes lack common sense snarts.