
By Anonymous - 06/04/2009 17:15 - United States

Today, I was going on a dinner date with a girl I had just met. After I picked her up I asked her if she would like to get lobster. She looked at me and asked if those were the red ones. Confused I nodded. She replied, "Sorry, I don't eat red meat." I laughed. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 614
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, I'd say it's an fml because the dude apparently can't find any dates that are smarter than a box of rocks.


heatherryo 0

grr @ 2 not all blondes are dumb. speak for yourself.

Oriina 0

Hahaha! That's actually kind of cute, but maybe that's just because I have a 3-year-old daughter who said something similar to that the other day. Either way ... She sounds a little, erm, dull? Not the brightest star in the sky ... or, rather, if you will, the reddest fish containing red meat in the sea.

#6 made me lol. At least it's a funny story. ^_^;;

#2, I'm blond and I'm the smartest person inside my household. You're ignorant for just assuming the woman was blond.

this is my favorite fml EVER. Oh man. I wish people would post more stuff about other people being stupid. I love that people like this exist. #137, cry about it.

oh blonds stfu about the smart blond thing. you know everyone saying the girl was blond is either kidding or just trying to piss you off. the fact that is does piss you off -as someone previousy, sarcastically stated- makes them feel so you aren't a dumb bitch, you're just a bitch. lol to all comments and the OP.

Miss_Tyff 0

I think this is more of a "FHL" for being such a dumbass.

DefPro 0

Wow, dude, ... that sux. FHL


OMG!! r u serious???? this is a dumb breezie.....

Anyone can say they have a fabulous GPA on the internet. Doesn't prove anything.