
By IHateBagels - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was cutting a bagel, only to slice the back of my hand with the knife. As I grabbed paper towels to clean up the blood, I noticed that the bagel was pre-sliced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 080
You deserved it 82 424

Top comments

how did you manage to cut the back of your hand? were you using it as a cutting board?

xjbearx 0

wow, sorry but that's really a blond moment. and yeah, if you somehow managed to slice the BACK of your hand, maybe you shouldn't be using a knife...


Good thing Edward Cullen wasn't there. yeah, I went there. (:

soccerbug6 0

wow that was just.....*sigh*

TheBreaKer_fml 0

hahaha that was an epic fail! no one normal likes that ******* sparkling fairy ass bitch

That comment just makes you look like a complete ass.

ari_lee 0

I can see this happening. And maybe it's just the bad bagels I get but even if they are pre sliced, I always have to cut them a bit anyways because pulling them apart just leads to broken off pieces.

why do people overanalyze this stuff? like #6..who cares how that person was cutting the bagel? that sucks that you cut your hand, you should pay more attention next time..or don't use a knife.

Yeah I noticed that.. they try to work out the scene exactly how it happened, but that's why there's a 300 character maximum. No one (except for those few) really needs the details.. I agree with you completely, haha

your a woman, right? :P this is the dumbest thing i ever read xD

#15, kind of an ass. & I have had clumsy-er moments... don't worry about it.

scalenehourglass 0

lmao. this would totally happen to me.