
By IHateBagels - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was cutting a bagel, only to slice the back of my hand with the knife. As I grabbed paper towels to clean up the blood, I noticed that the bagel was pre-sliced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 080
You deserved it 82 424

Top comments

how did you manage to cut the back of your hand? were you using it as a cutting board?

xjbearx 0

wow, sorry but that's really a blond moment. and yeah, if you somehow managed to slice the BACK of your hand, maybe you shouldn't be using a knife...


how is that an FML??? all you did was get a cut!

MwahFMLS 6

okay, to the people asking "how would you cut the back of your hand" your all idiots. it's extremely easy to cut the back of your hand cutting something, I'm guessing her hand was holding it or near it.

You are the exact definition of a klutz, just thought I'd let you know(:

My friend did the same thing but with a samurai sword lol

How do you manage to cut the Back of your hand while cutting a bagel... Well, you know what they say..."Reading is Fundamental..." ya should have looked at the bag, buddy.