
By Anonymous - 25/10/2015 02:47 - United States - Apollo

Today, I woke up to noises in my living room. I was scared, but I loaded my gun and snuck downstairs. I burst into the living room, yelled for the motherfucker robbing me to put his hands up, and flicked on the light. My cat stared back at me like I was a moron then calmly walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 596
You deserved it 7 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank god you yelled first before just blindly shooting!!

zanoty 17

I guess you could say he was a cat burglar... I'll show myself out


This is precisely why the United States needs gun control.

Why? Because somebody owns a firearm to protect themselves against what could have very well been a thief who could harm them? It's not like he just ran downstairs spitting out bullets everywhere. He yelled out a warning first. Sounds like a pretty responsible gun owner to me.

TAntobella 14

Sure, 'cause your tv is certainly worth killing for.

TAntobella 14

I totally agree Seabass. Armed civilians are more dangerous than actual criminals. If I lived in USA I'd be more scared of being constantly sourrounded by sherif-wanna-be gun-enthusiasts then by the occasional burglar!

@#83 You think burglars only ever just want your belongings and never hurt or kill the people they are stealing from? Are you really that ridiculously naive? And your comment about being more afraid of people who legally own firearms than of actual criminals is one of the most asinine things I've ever heard. Your irrational fear and prejudice against guns has caused a couple of screws to go loose in your head.

Queen_of_Night 20

Anyone else here suddenly picture the Boondock Saints after reading this?

Jeez you have no idea how much that has happened to me... Except the gun part ;b

Glad you didn't have an actual break in OP, but your cat definitely got a BOSS attitude, that furball wasn't even fazed

BeenIt 5

I commend you for owe one a gun. good to see there's still some smart people in the world

Clearly you don't include yourself in this category...

I've done this because of my cats. Grabbed the gun and walked out of my bedroom in the buff too. Darn cats!

This is pretty damn funny! "Yippe Kiyay, ************! I gotcha now"