
By Anonymous - 25/10/2015 02:47 - United States - Apollo

Today, I woke up to noises in my living room. I was scared, but I loaded my gun and snuck downstairs. I burst into the living room, yelled for the motherfucker robbing me to put his hands up, and flicked on the light. My cat stared back at me like I was a moron then calmly walked out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 597
You deserved it 7 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thank god you yelled first before just blindly shooting!!

zanoty 17

I guess you could say he was a cat burglar... I'll show myself out


Note to self: before next robbery, buy fur-suit.

mads_nicole 19

Oh the joys of having pets..

blahblah005 16

bahahahha that's just to funny

TAntobella 14

Ahah that's exactly what I thought! God gun-enthusiast Americans do look just as stupid & dangerous as OP described, to people from other Countries! And look how butt-hurt they get when you point it out! They are down-voting your comment, and I bet they will bury mine too... 'Murica indeed!

Better than being the guy writing an FML where you didn't go downstairs because you thought it was the cat, but end up getting robbed.

Trying to argue that logic doesn't work with anti gun people. They think you're supposed to piss yourself, run and hide and wait for the police to protect you.

Am I the only one still amazed how people from US take guns for granted... What were you gonna do, shoot and take a life and maybe your own in the process cause of retaliation? Just for some stuff...

Ahhhh so you would let someone take your stuff after you work and pay for it by yourself. I would have done the same thing because the robber can have a gun too. Self defense learn it not fear it.

Actually yes! Thats what insurance company is for, you wouldn't get it all back but most of it! I don't get it how you can value a life like that. One simple rule, don't confront them if you think they are armed.

yeah, cause we ain't gonna let some dude take our stuff in our home that we worked endless hours for....

tarlax 11

TiroC's comment was pretty douchey and a stupid generalization. That said, there are way too many people out there who are obviously just waiting and hoping for an excuse to kill another human being without going to prison for it. It's ******* creepy.

Do your stuff are more important than someone's life right? I bet you cannot live without your toaster or phone...if instead of his cat it was a person you would have approved the shooting???

dragoongirl90 34

All you people fail to realize is that that "life" you are so worried about would end yours in a heartbeat. OP ran downstairs and yelled. He clearly knows how to defend himself without excessive force. The first comment is asinine and pointless. If someone is going to kill me to take the stuff I worked hard for, I feel that is a life that the world is better off without.

If someone is in my house, I can only assume they're not just after my stuff. I'm not going to be the unarmed one that takes that chance. I don't get you people and your gun bashing. It's like you believe only a police officer is responsible enough to own one. That same officer who's 15 minutes away or shows up 2 hours later to take a report. I value my right to defend not just myself but my family and my property. I am armed, and I will use that right if it's necessary.

there are many things that can happen besides just loosing your posessions. Invaders of your home should be met with as much force as necessary. I've got a buddy who was stabbed and almost killed by some junkie who broke into his house back when he lived in Long Beach, all my friend had to protect himself at the time was a Maglite. While I can appreciate your sentimental view on life you also need to be aware that the other guy might not give a damn about you.

My thoughts are that not every life is equally important. Once you infringe upon someone's rights you lose yours, and if you infringe upon their safety your life becomes less important that theirs.

you dont shoot to kill, just to stop and make sure they never do it again

BTW, if a guy is robbing you.. he ain't gonna think twice about shooting you

@64, Shooting to incapacitate is not legally or practically sound: You should NEVER point a gun at someone unless you feel you must end a life, and are willing and able to follow through.

Actually there isn't a "while group of people hoping to kill someone". That's what happens when you believe the spoon fed liberal narrative. I pray to God that I never have to use my firearms on another human being, let alone take a life, but if I am confronted with deadly force, i would rather have to ability to defend myself than have the police come 15 later to make a chalk outline of my corpse.

TAntobella 14

Sure, because thieves just want to kill people and add a life-sentence or death sentence to their B&E, right? Your tv is certainly worth it. And - sure, because shouting at someone who is determined to kill you will certainly make him recondider. And - sure kids will never find your gun and shoot themselves by accident and will never shoot other pupils at school just for a breakdown, right? You gun-enthusiast American generate your own problems.

TAntobella 14

Let's hope your little children will never find your gun and shoot themselves, and your teenager kids never have a breakdown and shoot other kids at school - 'cause these things happen all the times in USA (not in other Countries, guess why).

he said shoot to stop which is not the same as incompacitate. shooting to stop is the correct term