
By Stacy - 21/03/2009 00:43 - United States

Today, I went into my older brother's room to get a condom. This happened the other day too when my boyfriend forgot one. So I went in and there was a note that said, "Stop using my condoms. And your boyfriend sounds like a girl when he climaxes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 789
You deserved it 121 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What was the brother doing listening to his little sister having sex. Ewww... **** his life..

ashleyy_fml 0


Your brother is fantastic. You should sneak in one day and put a new packet back where you got the "borrowed" ones from - it would be mean on him not to have one when he needs it just because he's been supplying you. You might also leave him a note saying something like "Sorry bro' - it was an emergency and you wouldn't want me riding bare-back now would you? And stop listening!" This cannot be a FYL - you might possibly deserve it if you try really, really hard!

Walls always get thinner during sex. He probably hears it and can't block it out.

pippacrawford 4

Lol your brother sounds awesome. And yeah YDI for having sex at home with people there.

to be honest I think I would be pretty pisses if I found out my lil sister was having sex

Angelina93 6

That's the same thing I was thinking! Lol!

craZ3 0

never steal condoms from bro's

Your boyfriend should grow a pair and buy his own condoms

My brother would have killed my boyfriend and then me!