Building bridges

By fml - 22/05/2012 23:54 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I saw a psychiatrist for the first time. He asked me what had brought me there, so I said I needed to get over some issues. He told me to close my eyes and visualize myself constructing a bridge. I paid to get told to build a bridge in my mind's eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 624
You deserved it 4 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure that's not all he offered you -_-

Build a bridge... And get over it?? Haha


noisebox 1

He's laughing all the way to the bank. When you ask them a question all they do is ask you a question back. You're better off researching your own answers on the net and reading books. I bet he pipes up to book your next appointment though.....

1) That sounds like person-centered talk therapy to me, not psychiatry, and that does actually benefit some people. Having another person mirror your thoughts back at you and provide subtle guidance can be really helpful if you're having trouble getting out of your own head. 2) You probably just pissed off a lot of psychologists/psychiatrists.

Bridges can be expensive to build, however..imaginary ones should not cost @ all...maybe you should give your shrink a bill for the cost of the imaginary labor.

What do you want? Him to pull out a wand with fairy dust flying in vector swooshes. Abracadabra alacazam.

Hiphuray4peas 27

Finding a good psychiatrist involves finding someone who you can establish a good rapport with. It's worth every penny to go to a few people then pick the one you like the most, and who you think uses a process/school of thought that suits you the best. Not all psychiatrists work the same way, so don't stop with seeing only one and write it off saying the whole process is kooky.

Wow, a psychiatrist did such a thing? That is rather a waste of good time and therefore money, but at least the person isn't listening to your issues for less half an hour, prescribing you medications on the spot hoping they'll do the trick, and sending you right out the door. Still, if you're not into building bridges in your mind, which I could completely understand, you should by no means feel obligated to continue seeing that psychiatrist.

Robbing bastards! What a little ripper!

You can't be mad that he actually assisted you with the problem you so eloquently articulated to him.

mrlopez 13

It could've costed more if he told you to have it built "over troubled waters", so yeah, I'd be thankful if I were you.