
By Anonymous - 01/09/2013 22:35 - United States - Cypress

Today, my mom mentioned how she loves a certain actor's "British" accent. I couldn't help but mention that there's no such thing, and that there are lots of different accents in Britain. She got pissed and lectured me for "lying" to her and trying to make her feel stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 633
You deserved it 20 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kitsune309 15

You deserved it. Maybe it's a different accent technically, but in layman's terms, a British accent is perfectly valid, just like an American accent.

strawberrywine22 30

To be fair, we women like to live with the knowledge that if someone is from England, they have a "sexy British accent."


Just because Britain is not a country, does not mean that you can't group the accents together. Otherwise you could use your own argument to say that there is no such thing as an English or American accent because they have many different accents within them (Cockney, Texan,etc). Being pedantic and wrong makes YOU look stupid, not your mum

Why does everyone get so arsey about this? I'm from London, and I guess a London accent would be what people refer to when they say British accent rather than something like a Geordie accent or Liverpudlian. The amount of people spewing wrong facts about Britain on here is insane, by the way.

That's what I'm thinking. The BBC English is probably the "British accent" they mean. There's no way anyone would describe my Scottish twang as "British".

My old boss was Scottish and when he spoke it sounded like he was speaking with a rumble in his throat & a relatively deep & relaxing voice. But when he was mad his accent got so thick and broad no one could understand him & then he'd get frustrated because he had to repeatedly repeat himself. Is always end up going bright red from holding in my laughter.

Your mom's were being a smartass. I agree with #3: there are several British accents, and a person who speaks with one of them has a British accent. By your logic are there no British people because they all come from a country in Britain?

jonireson 11

The whole "talk british to my kids!" thing really irritated me when I went to America!

lb0812 18

wow, not until i read these comments did i realise that people had so many misconceptions of the 'british accent'

you deserved to get yelled at because you're a smart ass. just because there are lots of different BRITISH accents doesn't mean the actor doesn't have a British accent. you still have an American accent if you happen to talk like your from jersey or new York or wherever.

hate that Americans think that we all talk like hugh grant!! ive never even met any1 with tht accents b4!!

nurchok 15

There are at least 4 distinct accents in the city of London itself, let alone the rest of the country...

I feel like you're the stupid one here. British accents are real. American accents can be different, but they're still "American".