Broken dreams

By dreamteam - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was having a very realistic dream about a hot guy. Just as he was leaning in to ravish me, I was rudely awakened by the sound of my husband farting and snorting at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 912
You deserved it 12 643

Top comments

That wasn't your husbands fart that awoke you... it was reality. ;)

SailorButterfly 8

Hey, that hot guy would probably fart and snore if you married him too. Men are men! lol


Well let me just send a high priority postcard to God and let him know to flip my dream switch to off. Who knew you were considered a bitch for having a man in your dreams that you cannot control thats not your bf/husband. Oh woe as me.

It's not the fact that she had the dream, it's the fact that she was liking it that means she deserved it.

olw25 0

that's JESUS telling u to get ur mind right. it's a shame how GOD isn't in marriages any more. u should feel bad about not dreaming of ur husband.

Im with Mercy 100% on this. Don't interrupt dreams like this. Ever. There are no excuses. Just don't do it.

cpatrick820 3

I think the reason most people on here say she deserves it is due to her implication that her husband took her away from where she was clearly happier, with the idea of another man...and she married her husband out of free will... So yes, I say she deserves it for being upset about losing her dream man to her husband. You're supposed to marry your dream partner....

Or maybe she isn't getting the sex she wants and it's her way of enjoying herself while he isn't giving it up. When you're having a FANTASY, it's not always fun to have it interrupted by REALITY.

Is that near the isle of cosmetics? lol I know, it just all cracks me up!!

Are you saying that I HAVEN'T lost it? lol

I have girl scout cookies!! Thin mints and Samoas!

Yeah, Idk what the equivalent is over there for Girl scouts, but I think they make the cookies with crack. They're rather addictive!

tonys_kitten 0

number 67 thank you, yes i am a girl but that is completly how i felt lol thanx =]] P.S. *****!

DavidA91 0

ravish you? damn. freak. haha

ydi for lusting on someone besides your husband....

Lambie 0

Oh, was just a dream.

Come on ppl.. I'm sure the husband dreams, too.. And it's not like either of them would ever cheat on eachother.. I'm just gunna assume that you've both gotten fat, ugly and repulsive with bad marriage..

unless it's a lucid dream. then you can control it.