Broken dreams

By dreamteam - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was having a very realistic dream about a hot guy. Just as he was leaning in to ravish me, I was rudely awakened by the sound of my husband farting and snorting at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 912
You deserved it 12 643

Top comments

That wasn't your husbands fart that awoke you... it was reality. ;)

SailorButterfly 8

Hey, that hot guy would probably fart and snore if you married him too. Men are men! lol


TouchMyBody 1

That's his way of stopping you're wet dream. Saying ravish just made it awkward

have eggs and broccoli for dinner tonight and get sweet&smelly revenge

ZeroCharisma 0

I think so, too. Considering the fact that the word ravish conveys violence, which usually isn't a good thing. I think she may have meant "ravage" but that isn't a much better word, either. Though it is usually used in a sexual context, the word ravage connotes violence as well. None of us can control our dreams. The fact that she had a dream about someone other than her husband doesn't really mean anything. Nobody truly knows what dreams mean, so none of us can really judge a person by their dreams. I am sure her husband has had sexy dreams of his own that involve someone else. There is a monumental difference between dreaming something and doing something. It is idiotic to imply or assume that because a person dreams something, they would actually do it.

Reyo 2

#86: And yet we're supposed to feel sorry for the OP. You see how that works out?

Blah. screw all those unmarrieds who are essentially calling you a cheating b*tch. I totally feel your pain, my husband does the same thing.

To all the people saying she deserved it, please tell me your secret. I would love to be like you and be able to fully control what I dream about. Maybe that would help me get rid of these horrible nightmares about ninja squirrels attacking me while I'm baking cookies.

trickass 0

you know, this isn't the case of the OP, i realize that but you CAN control some dreams. The term is "lucid dreaming". Also, those people saying she deserved it are trolling, chill people. obvious trolls are obvious

bluesclues72 0

ok guys, so if u were about to have wonderful sex with megan fox, but then your wife/gf interrupted u by nagging you about not picking up your sox, you would feel ok about it? I DONT THINK SO! plus, I would be mad if someone farted in my bed and interrupted my precious sleep.

some_girl9 8

Soooo, you can control YOUR dreams at night, asshole? I didn't think so. Enjoy your life of bitterness.

Yeah, right. Because everyone can totally control what they dream about. Its a DREAM. Why the **** are so many people getting on her case? Big freaking deal. OP: Oh boyfran' baby I just had a dream about that hunka' man Channing Tatum, I guess this means I have a secret underlying urge to cheat that I never knew about? *gasp* Husband: You dirty *****, how DARE you ravish another man in your unrealistic, never going to happen fantasy dream. Nobody ever dreams of such things when your married, I should have never married you! *fart*

some_girl9 8

The people on here that are saying she deserved it and calling her a ***** or a bitch and every other name are pretty ******* unbelievable. Find me the person who can control their dreams at night, and THEN try calling her those names. Until then, shut your fat mouths. If you're going to tell her she deserves it, then it makes the same amount of sense to say he deserved it for being such a disgusting pig.