Broken dreams

By dreamteam - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was having a very realistic dream about a hot guy. Just as he was leaning in to ravish me, I was rudely awakened by the sound of my husband farting and snorting at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 912
You deserved it 12 643

Top comments

That wasn't your husbands fart that awoke you... it was reality. ;)

SailorButterfly 8

Hey, that hot guy would probably fart and snore if you married him too. Men are men! lol


elizanena9 0

hahaha! hot. a dream come true.

Lattenkiste 0

That's karma's way of saying "Eat shit, *****"

what ever i feed my girlfriend, house her, give her good love. she practically lives off me and my hard work. if i knew she was even dreaming about someone else when i am doing everything for her (except for maybe cleaning), i will throw her on the streets. luckily this won't likely happen to her. she'd probably be homeless without me i'd assume it's the same for the op. she doesn't deserve that man, worthless *****

EmWeeWing 0

Your husband is amazing. How could you dream about someone else?

appriciate your husband more, need you be ravashed in your dreams? how ungreatful