
By Joshua Sheldon - 19/09/2015 01:56 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, while working alone, I decided to just try some random impressions, and so I ended up doing a French accent when a customer walked in. To avoid embarrassment, I had to continue faking the accent as he struck up a long conversation with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 249
You deserved it 8 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As long as he didn't understand that you were faking it, what's the problem? ;)


Aha, this is hilarious. I do this too, but I work in a lab and my colleagues are used to it. You seem like a cool person to work with, OP!

I did this once, except it was a Southern drawl and I found it too amusing to stop. Now I've had to change my name to Carrie Sue and everyone thinks I'm from Georgia.

Xandrick 22 could have just saved yourself the trouble and went with your regular accent. That would have been much less work, and if the customer comes in again you won't have to repeat such efforts.

I would literally talk in a British accent whenever I worked the drive-thru at a fast food restaurant I used to work at. I had a story to back up the accent and everything.

I do this, but with the Swedish Chef accent. Oboe derbies die chickie sammie.

I grew up as a Jehovah's Witness. I had 4 brothers and we'd get paired up to knock on doors. To make it interesting, we'd make up random interesting names for ourselves and back stories. Well, at one door when I was about 12, I introduced myself as Bert and my brother as Ernie. The guy liked our literature and asked me to keep bringing them. So for every two weeks until I moved away from that city I had to pretend my name was Bert and every time he'd ask how Ernie was doing. I could never bring an adult with me for fear of getting in trouble. Smh. Fml.

Hey, at least he didn't call you out on it! Good job imo

That's when you ask for pointers on your "Australian" and then proceed to speak in your plain regular voice and take whatever criticism they dish out