
By Joshua Sheldon - 19/09/2015 01:56 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, while working alone, I decided to just try some random impressions, and so I ended up doing a French accent when a customer walked in. To avoid embarrassment, I had to continue faking the accent as he struck up a long conversation with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 249
You deserved it 8 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As long as he didn't understand that you were faking it, what's the problem? ;)


What if he realised you were faking it and decided to troll you by keeping you talking for as long as possible... xD

I was just playing AC Unity which is full of.... french accent, and now reading this, I can only imagine how funny your conversation must've sounded

You have good taste in games! ???☺️

If you like shitty, bug-filled, mess-of-a-game games published by shitty companies, then yes you have a good taste in games.

lolliaudry 13

That must have been awful to speak with a French accent, I hate my French accent..

I don't understand. Creole people speak French too.

That doesn't make sense. Why would he pretend to be Creole? Yes, they do speak French but the accent would be way off. Just like English has different dialects and pronunciations, so does every other language. French and the accompanying accents vary from France to Canada to côte d'Ivoire to creole/Cajun. I would know, I had four years of French studying many dialects and now live in Cajun Louisiana.

Actually saying 'Bonne chance' in French to someone is originally thought to bring bad luck by some people. 'Bon courage' would work, I don't think 'Merde' would work, because its seen as informal. Or maybe I'm just looking to deep into this.

@45 it's a common joke in my area that kids are fluent in French but then fail French class because the accents are different! Thankfully most teachers are cool about it.