Birth certificate

By figures - 29/11/2009 01:53 - United States

Today, I found out I've been misspelling my middle name for 25 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 402
You deserved it 40 549

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's alright. My parents never told me how to spell mine. I just made it up and decided how I wanted it pronounced too. It's not a common name though. I've never heard of something similar to it.


So? I used to know how to spell my middle name, but no one ever calls me that, not teachers, nor my parents, NO ONE. I never use it, so I tend to forget if it's spelled with an S or a Z at the end. Big deal.

jabman96 0

you think that sucks, when i went to go to the doctor my mom had to ask what my middle name was.

How could u not know how to spell ur middle name?? I guess it's something not common. At lease u have one my friend and mom doesn't even have... I think it's because my friend and my mom both have twins. :-D

My brother is 28 and a few months ago I noticed that he misspelled his middle name, which is also our dad's name. The name is Michael.

I've been spelling mine wrong too : I spell - Margret Everyone else spells - Margaret Bah, I prefer my version.

_Haiithuuur 0

me too dont worry lol i always forget an N its NN loll

my ex boyfriend did that too lol he's 15 & his mom just now told him he's been spelling it wrong.

Palindrome13 0

What exactly is your middle name?

Sparkiee93 3

That happened to me, but I found out in the 5th grade xD My middle name is spelled really queerly, it's "Maerose" not "May-Rose", which is what I had been spelling it as.