Better safe than sorry

By Anonymous - 02/11/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, I was lost in a new town, so I asked a woman for directions. For some reason, she seemed to avoid me. About halfway down the block, she quickly turned around, and the next thing I remember is my eyes stinging like hell. Apparently she thought I was a mugger and maced me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 197
You deserved it 4 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

I would love to see someone who was wrongly maced whip out their own can of mace and mace the chick back.

The woman should be charged with assault if there was no provocation. Just because she is a spaz does not make it acceptable to mace people.


Er... First off, you shouldn't have asked a woman for directions (it looks bad for the same reason she maced you, tiger). Second, if you were going in the same direction as her, she probably thought you were stalking her. Lastly, if turned around and ran up to you, you should've heard her long before she maced you. YDI.

my god... people wasted so much time typing ******* novels on ONE thing. jesus. u must have NO lives whatsoever. that prolly took a half hour to write. freaks.

PrinceTwilight17 0

Enrich the views of other individuals? Are you kidding me -_- This is FML, a site where dumbasses make up about 99% of all commenters.

I can see this in her view. I'm guessing you're a pretty tall man. So some large man is following her and asks her for directions. She ignores continue to follow her and probably start running up to her making you look alot like a stalker so she maced you. 1 in 4 woman are still sexually assaulted before they turn 18, so you can't really blame her. I don't think any man here would be scared if a woman came up, asked for directions, and started following you, because I guess woman just don't commit crimes that often. And come on, what the ****? It's pepper spray, it's not gonna ******* kill you.

wasteland_fml 0

It ******* huuurts, and has potential to do permanant damage so your carefree attitude to its use is the kind of attitude that leads to people being injured. Not unlike the careless use of firearms that leads to ridiculous amounts of deaths every year. They're both weapons.

i cant say ydi, but this is what he should have done: "Excuse me. Can you please help me find this place.....(ignored)...... Yeah well thanks a lot BITCH!!!!"

Thats assault, get her ass thrown in jail. Women need to stop thinking that they have the right to mace any guy who looks at them and get away with it. Plus, you're much more likely to be assaulted by acquaintances, friends and/or family than a completely random stranger, yet no one maces their friends when they walk up on them. And btw, everyone quoting these statistics, you do realize that every statistic is manipulated to make the arguer's position look better, right?

I think it makes more sense that women would prefer to do the macing now rather than receive the raping later, no matter how likely it really is. It may not be right, it may not be fair to all us guys who aren't into the whole rape thing, but it's the natural response in a world that's trained us to be paranoid. However, in using the mace, they are themselves taking a risk and should be willing to accept all possible legal ramifications that may result if the man's intentions were pure. If the woman does end up in legal trouble, then she should be happy enough she wasn't raped that she should be willing to deal with it. Also, definitely agree to the "learn self-defense" idea for women. It takes a little more effort than just buying and carrying around a bottle of liquid pain, but if you're that concerned for your safety you should be willing to learn because it means fewer false-alarm cases like this one.

Is it just me or is BlueBerryPies completely stupid? Your reasoning is just.... wrong. Like morally wrong, you cannot mace someone because they asked for directions? I cringe at the society of today, who the **** does that? I think I'm going to go to a store and buy a thing of mace, and one day in the future a woman will walk up behind me asking for directions and I'll just shoot some mace in her eyes. Because, lord knows she was going to rape me, I could just hear it in her voice while she asked me where 123 Fake Street was. You are ******* ridiculous. Please go learn some social skills. And no one cares if you've been a "victim" before. It doesn't matter, would you care to know why? Well, I'll sum it up for you BECAUSE EVERYONE IS ******* DIFFERENT! GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD! Which comes back to the first point made, why do women flatter themselves in such a way? There is a reason why some women do it, and that seems the only logical answer. We know walking on the street alone (for ANY gender) is dangerous. But just because someone says "hey where the **** is _________ "does not mean you can assume they will rape/mug/assault/whateverelseyouwant you. "Stating that this woman is a “bitch” simply because she accidentally maced someone she viewed as a threat is a ridiculous claim" You see, men have this amazing innate ability to detect a bitch with ease after only a few moments of, for lack of a better term, "studying" her. Be it talking to her, observing her or simply hearing about her. There is no such thing as "accidentally macing" someone. Unless you are showing someone your mace and your finger accidentally touches the trigger. Which, for some reason, I highly doubt was the case. She viewed him as a threat for asking a question Are you ******* kidding me? That is grounds for calling her a bitch, a snobby bitch at that. "Then, you proceeded to condescend to women in general by stating that we have legs (wow, thank you! I had NO idea that I had those!)" By that statement there, it seems to me like you are a bitch as well, one who acts like a two year old with such sarcasm, but uses big words to try to make herself seem much older, when deep down inside she feels insecure about her place in this world. You probably have questions like "what should a woman be like?" "what do men like in me". Probably very self conscious and a seemingly high self esteem on the outside but rather low on the inside. You feel that women are superior in every way shape and form in comparison to a man, yet still need to hold onto one for reassurance because of the fear of getting attacked by people asking for directions. "2) Yes, mace is a defense, not a deterrent. However, the situation you are presenting involved the situation escalating to one of mild sexual force, so why not deter a potential attack in the first place?" First, it was not escalating to one of "mild sexual force" Tell me, where, pray tell were the words "I planned on raping her, until she sprayed me with mace" are in this FML. Please, I'd love to know, I can't seem to find them anywhere. And two, you don't "deter a potential attack in the first place" because of the simple moral, ethical fact that you do NOT mace a guy in the face for asking a question. Plain and simple. I imagine you would not like it if you were simply asking a question and a guy maces your eyes. I mean, you were definitely planning on raping him, right? I could talk so much more shit to you and your bad points, but I don't really feel like going on any more. The more I read what you think the more a little piece of humanity breaks off from society.

AnnoyingFlamingo 0

So by your logic blueberrypies, war veterans and rape victims should have the right to attack people because of a previous occasion. I find a huge flaw in your argument. Plus men can be raped too. You don't see every male rape or molestation victim assaulting people. That is because men can cope with the situation unlike women who drag their fear on thus creating many stereotypes about men.

I do agree with you that just because someone has been a victim in the past doesn't mean they have the right to do whatever they want in the present, but I feel that it is necessary to point out that of all rape victims, men usually account for less than 5%, and female rapists account for less than 2% of all rapists. While they can be raped and it does happen, by and large they don't have to deal with the fear that women have of being caught off guard and taken advantage of when alone. Although I do agree that women often get carried away with this idea that "all men want to rape me", I think it would be ludicrous to suggest that the burden of rape and fear of victimization is shared equally by men and women and that women are just being whinny.

Wow AnnoyingFlamingo and grayh123, I could not have said it better myself. BlueBerryPies you are an idiot and the lady who maced this guy is an idiot.

hyperinfinity11 0

See, the thing is, it's a bit creepy to follow someone halfway down a block. if she wasn't answering you, obviously she wanted to be left alone or didn't trust you. But it also sucks you got sprayed with that stuff... I'd say FYL and YDI at the same time.