Better safe than sorry

By Anonymous - 02/11/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, I was lost in a new town, so I asked a woman for directions. For some reason, she seemed to avoid me. About halfway down the block, she quickly turned around, and the next thing I remember is my eyes stinging like hell. Apparently she thought I was a mugger and maced me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 197
You deserved it 4 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

I would love to see someone who was wrongly maced whip out their own can of mace and mace the chick back.

The woman should be charged with assault if there was no provocation. Just because she is a spaz does not make it acceptable to mace people.


Did you say anything about needing directions? Or did you just follow her? The FYL or YDI depends on which one...

ozymandias_fml 0

I disagree. As long as he did not *break the law* the woman was in the wrong. He could have followed her fora short bit while saying 'excuse me' a time or two and otherwise trying to get her attention, and that would not be inappropriate. Assaulting him was very inappropriate.

ozymandias_fml 0

If she ignored him, how was he supposed to know she didn't just not hear him? Going to the mace first thing is a bit extreme.

Following that logic next time a girl turns around to face me I'm perfectly entitled to punch her in the face to prevent a crazy bitch from macing me right? That's what plenty of girls/women seem to be saying here.

Let's be correct: 1/6 women in America (assuming he wasn't on a vacation) and likely in or in a state close to Nevada are sexually assaulted on the street (and be sexually assaulted I do hope you mean groped, assaulted etc, not just inappropriate comments)?

PrinceTwilight17 0

Well #50 I think with more FML's like these MORE then 1/6 men will be maced in their lifetime. It's only gonna increase.

You absolutely deserved this one. If you asked her for directions and she avoided you, you shouldn't have followed her. You probably were planning on mugging her.

That's assualt, pure & simple. Call the cops and have her ass thrown in jail.

All you women can defend yourself, but this one should be defending herself against a judge.....I don't think hypothetical assaults hold up in court.

I don't get how this could happen... just go up to her and say 'excuse me, can I have directions to...' If she ignores you and walks away then don't follow her...

ozymandias_fml 0

I could see it happening. If she was in front of you, walking away from you, and you yell 'excuse me miss', and she doesn't turn, so you jog up closer to her (or continue walking in the direction you originally were walking) and she panics, turns, and maces...

Ah yes. That is EXACTLY what happened. Dear pimpin88, you are just a veritable fountain of knowledge, bequeathing upon us lowly peasants your bountiful truth & intelligence. What would we do without your generous intellect? (Was that enough sarcasm? It feels like a sufficient amount to me.)

#35 exactly! #47 i dont give a **** about your stats i dont want to be maced for asking a ******* question! #49 you're a ******* idiot.