Be warned

By what... - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - North Port

Today, my boss took me to one side and said, "Cross me like that ever again, and you're fired." I still have no clue what he was talking about, and now he denies ever having said a word to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 294
You deserved it 2 874

Top comments


Jtaura 10

That my friend is when you "punch him square in the face" :D

Epikouros 31

YDI for ordering a Cheddar sandwich when he wanted Gouda.

Maybe u made him too horny or something...

Just ask him how was the latest episode of breaking bad? That's where he got it from.

Perhaps he was playing the game '101 Fun Things to do in the Office'? Where you earn points for doing ridiculous things?? lok

icepick23 12

Maybe he was merely practicing for an upcoming movie role?

YeaSo3 14

Go to HR tell your. Boss to cross that. ..or ask around

Maybe he is Gaslighting you. For those who don't know what that is you do and say things to make another person think they are going crazy.

Find another job. Once you have your other job let the bastard fire you so you can get that unemployment.

Odd. Maybe just forget about it? Sorry OP!