Be warned

By what... - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - North Port

Today, my boss took me to one side and said, "Cross me like that ever again, and you're fired." I still have no clue what he was talking about, and now he denies ever having said a word to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 294
You deserved it 2 874

Top comments


Don't play dumb, OP. You know EXACTLY what you did, and I--I mean HE is watching you.

ninjuh_wingman 29

Maybe he was talking to the voices in his head and you were just there.

DarkHelmet 10

Look at your boss sideways and say "What you talkin bout Willis"... This way you'll both be confused by each others actions

He might be trying to mess with you or he is a crazy ass hole.

All I can suggest is just do your best to stay the hell out of his way, and hope that it was just a moment of temporary insanity.

maybe he really doesn't remember. or its one of those moments Where u mean to say in your mind but he said out loud and is too embarrassed now

ColbyGB 13

That's, what we in the biz call, a pompous ass

Somebody pissed him off so badly that, when he came at you, he mixed you up with them. They are on his shit list. You are probably clear?

I'm pretty sure he's playing a prank. My manager keeps pulling pranks like this. He once yelled at me in front of everyone for "checking out his sister" and says he'll beat me if I do that again. Thing is, he doesn't have a sister, but I didn't know that. He kept the act up for like 30 minutes toll bursting in laughter. But, yeah, it sounds like its probably him just messing around.