Baby's got needs

By cheezeits - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my long-distance girlfriend asked me if she could see someone else on the side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 680
You deserved it 6 932

Top comments

Then when she finds someone else on the side who she prefers, you'll be out of the picture. This wont end well for you I'm afraid. :(


Tell her that she can if you can. The best part is, if she says yes then there might be a foursome in your future.

Who? The girlfriend who cheated on me? Or the boys who she cheated with?

well look on the bright side - she asked. She didfn't cheat on you. She doesn't want to break up with you. If you don't want her seeing someone else as well, say so and try to find another solution that will benefit the both of you.

I'm sorry. Please understand that my emotional ties are so strong, yet physically I feel uncared for. I am someone who needs both physical and emotional presence, and when getting one without the other I feel balance is skewed. It may appear shallow to insist upon physical presence in a relationship, but for a great deal of people it is a very real need that we often underestimate in order to look like we have our mind over our matter.

swimdiva 0

kirri aree you the gf here? if not then I'm confused

...sounds like the relationship is over.

Falco_fml 0

Finally one I can relate to, sorry it's definitely over, end it and stop talking her to her immediately, helps speed up the pain process, least in my case.