Baby's got needs

By cheezeits - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my long-distance girlfriend asked me if she could see someone else on the side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 680
You deserved it 6 932

Top comments

Then when she finds someone else on the side who she prefers, you'll be out of the picture. This wont end well for you I'm afraid. :(


swimdiva 0

baha i asked my long distance bf that once... we're not on speaking terms anymore... hahaa that SUX for you tho

I've been in this position. My long distance girlfriend broke up with me and I felt like shit. Make sure YOU are the one to end it and be a total ass about it. Be the winner! :D

misfitgirl1988 0

ha ha wow cant u findf= a gf closer mabe ushould find one to hahaha

say no, then see someone else on the side and then ask her if you can see someone else on the side bwhahahahahha

tatiianah_fml 0

wow 32 that was classy nice going there ooh by the ur girlfriend is a biatch

emoxjenna 0

dude, my girl said the same ******* thing.

js say " yea and its over" easy as that ******

Tyler_8801 0

or you could get a girl on the side too. i see win-win here