Baby's got needs

By cheezeits - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my long-distance girlfriend asked me if she could see someone else on the side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 680
You deserved it 6 932

Top comments

Then when she finds someone else on the side who she prefers, you'll be out of the picture. This wont end well for you I'm afraid. :(


That's why long distance relationships are garbage. You can't be there for her emotionally and physically so it's not what she's looking for to have her needs met. Sadly, YDI for those reasons.

If you're a girl and your long-distance girlfriend said that, dump her, try a long distance with another girl... Like me. ;)

I'd say "Now you can. You're dumped!"

AntiChrist7 0

Say: only if it is a girl, and I can have a threesome every time I pass by

cassiie_fml 0

Say: "Thank God! I though you'd never ask! I'm FREE!!!!! Latas, betch.

Been there, done that): gotta love cheaters

lathblade 0

Put the boots to that bitch, medium style

Heck, for what it's worth-at least the bitch had the decency to give you a warning before she did anything.

Yeah, unfortunately that's the sign it's over...mine was the same way.