As a treat

By Username - 28/06/2011 20:40 - United States

Today, I stepped in a turd. Not a dog turd, my grandmother's turd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 079
You deserved it 4 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Itzmeh 0

I have a feeling an explanation can only make this more disgusting.


bingababe 16

I don't wanna get old :-( It must be terrible to lose your dignity like that. Might be nice if you helped her instead of complaining about it, I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose.

I can imagine it must be quite boring being that old, maybe a naughty poo on the floor provides the amusement to get her through the day :)

Hmmm... this FML reminds me of "Raising Hope" with that senile grandmother.. She would totally do something like that.

haha. but u should look where you are walking. ???

ban_anaa 0

She's innocent until proven guilty!

MrSexyPants 14

I hope you put your foot in a toilet, otherwise yo gma is senile.

littlemissjazmin 0

wow that sucks what a great grandmother!! jk

waywil 0

Are you just kidding that is sucks or are you kidding that her grandmother is great?

Wow. I really don't know what is worse. that she pooped in the floor, or that you actually stepped in it.

waywil 0

I think I can answer that for you...stepping in it is by far the leader in that race!

Old people are like that. God forbid they don't find a solution when our generation gets to that age.

well death is an easy solution, guess you gotta put gam gam down now that she lost bowel control