As a treat

By Username - 28/06/2011 20:40 - United States

Today, I stepped in a turd. Not a dog turd, my grandmother's turd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 079
You deserved it 4 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Itzmeh 0

I have a feeling an explanation can only make this more disgusting.


Capt_Oblivious 10

I've managed that. my grandma went to the bathroom right before me, and then I went in and steppes in to a small chunk of poo. I was mortified.

missy_dgaf 0
TalkinSmack 6

how do u know the difference?

waywil 0

OP doesn't have a dog, but she does have a grandmother...that would be my guess

did u at least have shoes on?? or where u bare foot?? =/

MeLt18 0

why did people say he deserves it. maybe if he shoved his foot in the toilet but come on guys.