Addams Family Values

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Saint Albans

Today, I overheard my co-workers referring to me as "Uncle Fester". This is apparently my nickname around the office, and has been for nearly three years. I had no idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 081
You deserved it 2 841

Top comments

Who doesn't love Uncle Fester?! Take it as a compliment. I'm sure he's one of everyone's favorite characters because he sure was mine. Maybe they're just saying they love you as well.

I bet they don't even know who Uncle Fester is, and only say that cause fester sounds funny. Just call someone else in the office lurch!


ADBurns 22

Own that monicker OP! Wear it with pride. Why not buy an absurdly long over coat and wear it to work as well! Weather permitting of course :)

1dvs_bstd 41

It's hard to understand the fml without a knowledge of who the blue hell 'uncle fester' is.

1dvs_bstd 41

oh thanks #35. I'm super sorry fml for not understanding a reference to a tv show I've never seen. Your downvotes are causing me terrible awful insomnia. Bitches.

i always wondered why people use or give out the nickname "uncle fester" as something negative...

oh man that would be absolutely terrible!! barf at both of those trolls! you're right, it would be insulting if someone compared me to them! ha :)

My uncle's name is Victor. When I was younger, I used to call him "Uncle Fester" because I didn't know any better. My whole family now teases me about it.

Is there a reason why you are called that.