A teacher's burden

By Anonymous - 13/05/2009 17:46 - Canada

Today, a parent came into my class and told one of my 6 year-old students that their grandma died. Then the parent left. The kid started crying from the news, which then got all the other students crying. I spent the rest of the day comforting a class of kids crying over someone else's grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 521
You deserved it 3 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids will cry over anything, although it sucks you have to deal with it. Sorry charlie. And how shitty of the mom to just come by tell the bad news and leave.

The kid's mom didn't take him/her home? Jeez.


The kid's parent just... LEFT? The hell? FYL for you. The parent should have done something more to console the child than just... leave. The hell.

yeah WTF is wrong with the parent if you're going to tell that to a kid in school, then *take the kid HOME* if you can't do that, then wait until after school yeesh some parents have their heads stuck up their asses and very self centered on top of that

I2OI3 0


dg72592_fml 0

why would they not take the kid home? what the ****?

wow, what a shitty mom. That's not the kind of thing you drop onto your SMALL CHILD in the middle of a class, you wait until they get home. What an idiot. FYL, dude.

42 WE DONT NEED CAPS maybe the mom was upset herself so left or had to deal with funeral stuff so needed to kid to stay there. bad parenting yes but a possibility sorry op, fyl

fretforyerlatte 0

man i was 17 when my grandma died and i was too upset to stay at school. that's just cold. either take the kid home or wait til they get home to break the news.

It's a six year old ! If the kid was in high school and had important classes I can understand leaving them at school.. maybe.. but the poor kid is in grade 1! For God's sake, take him out of school after telling him that you rotten parents!

What the hell is wrong with all of you people saying the OP is heartless? Dealing with crying kids, especially a large number, is not CUTE. It's very sweet that the other kids felt sad for the original kid but definitely sucks and was completely unnecessary if it hadn't been for idiotic parents. That's horrible, cold, and heartless that the parent just told the kid and left them there. The responsible thing to do would have been to either pull the kid out of school for the day to tell him/her or waiting until he/she got out of school.

grazynaanka 0

I agree that the parent should have waited until the child was at home. That was completely irresponsible of the parent. i think it's a little insensitive of you to feel that way about a classroom full of students. 6 yr olds are very fragile and will cry at something like this. even if it has nothing to do with them. @ 49....well if she is a teacher or a teachers aid. she knew what she was getting into. and part of her responsiblity is to deal with crying students. it doesn't matter if it's not cute and annoying.